Saturday, January 3, 2009

testing this out...

OK so now I'm gonna try to put in some pictures. Oh WOW it worked!! I totally impressed myself here folks. I can't believe I did it. OK, this first one here is the sunrise we watched in Port Townsend waiting for Tommy's ship to come through, but guess what? We missed the ship. It passed through before we got there. Fortunately Catlyn had many photo ops. Let me try to put in some more.

OK, this one she took because she was bored and cold. She didn't want to get out of the car any more so she happened to see the sunrise in the mirror and thought it was a good shot. We think it is one of her most interesting ones. OK, this is another one out of boredom, but still interesting. OK now I'm gonna try to put more than one picture on at a time. Lets see how I do and hopefully I wont delete what I've already done. LOL

Finally after 2 tries and then having to move them to where I wanted them not once but twice! These are some of Cate's nature shots. The first three are just after a nice rain fall.

These next two were after the first frost this year. The first one is frost and the second is ice crystals. She has quite an eye for these things I think. Much better than her ol'mother for sure.

Now here are a few shots of the wedding party for Sammy and Bryon's wedding. We didn't get near the shots I was hoping for, but oh well. So from left to right they are Alesha, Kristin, Sammy, Bryon, Eric, Beau and Alyssa. The ring bearer never came to the reception so we have no pictures of him.

The last two pictures here are of the moon and our Kitty Mikey, who we lost to a sudden and mysterious illness this fall. He was our youngest and we miss him a lot.

Well folks this is it for now. Now let us see if I can get this posted before I loose it again. Yes, I lost it once already. Well, I thought I did. Thankfully it does an automatic save and I only lost part of it, but I did have to redo many of the photos a few times. It looks like I have to build the page from the bottom up when I am adding pictures because they all load up at the top and then they have to be moved to the bottom and then you have to move all the text to where it was in the first place. Lots to learn, but I am trying.

Take Care and God Bless, Pam and Clams


  1. Good work! You're doing fine with it! Love the pictures--I think Catlyn has a lot of talent with her camera, and this will be a good place for her to show it off. Maybe she'll even get her own blog!

  2. Beautiful pictures, and welcome to Blogger!
